Created my very 1st business from scratch!
I took an online Home Staging & Redesign Course while on maternity leave for my youngest child. Then, I jumped in with both feet and a mere $500 to get me started!
Still going strong.
Started the last "job" I ever held. Thought I could be an employee and finally understand why so many people work as an employee and for so long. Nope, still don't get's pretty clear to me by 2019, I'm just not meant to be an employee
Sugar That was born in November of 2019! Now with 2 locations, one in Chatham and one in Windsor, Ontario...we continue to grow!
The Freedom Culture Podcast launched with
2 episodes and continues to bring listeners a unique perspective on how to live life and do business on your own terms.
November 2019...
the grand opening
what a year for a fire, eh?
see, dreams do come true! Crazy, huh?
Divorce isn't fun...we tried our best
Launched my 1st Business!!
Quit My "Real Job" &Went All in on Being an Entrepreneur
bye-bye reliable salary...
Still blows my mind that I got myself to PARIS solo for my 40th how sway!?
My 2nd Business Opened
A Year of Growth & Change
shut down both my businesses on and off for nearly 2 years, we almost didn't make it, but we survived, gratefully!
Just in time for the Pandemic...
Last time as an
So ya, I let being burnt out damn near burn my house down with me in it! Knowing that I almost died because of one moment was enough to shake up my life and put things in perspective. More changes on the horizon...
Launched my personal brand business and started helping other Women to cultivate a culture of freedom in their lives by creating a purpose driven online business.
Yup that was
my kitchen
Dreaming about the future...