How do I get my energy back, kick hustle culture to the curb and create more freedom? 
This is a tell it like it is, live- workshop style podcast, packed with inspiration
and guidance that you can use to create the life of your dreams.

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Your go-to place for curating the freedom culture you crave.  Whether in your life or business, we go in on it all.

Whether you’re eager to start a new chapter or just simply want to have
more freedom to do the things you love, this is the podcast for you! 
Join the FREEDOM CULTURE Movement and listen in today!


Stephanie Simmons

Kinda feel like we're already friends? Good! Me, too.

Host Stephanie Simmons brings the individualistic flare that will ignite the light inside of you that is meant to be shared. As an Entrepreneur and Mom of 6, Steph is a pro at carving out time for what really matters. From big business dreams to cheering on the sidelines for others, Steph shows up for life with authenticity and resilience.  Giving you actionable step by step tips that will help you to redefine what success means to you, achieve your goals and experience freedom in your life and work.


You like real talk and don't get offended easily.

You're someone who appreciates humor, storytelling and a lot of imagination!

You want to be inspired while talking all things freedom, how to have it, live in it and work in it.

I’m just over here telling it exactly like it is as we dive in on topics like business, burnout, balancing it all, finding joy and dreaming up those crazy cool next chapters of your life!



If you're loving the show, and I truly hope you do, please let me know by hitting that subscribe button and if you think its extra special, I would love a review from you.  With gratitude, Steph.

If you're into life improvement, creating beautiful spaces, proud Mama moments and way too much talk about living in a culture of freedom... you've come to the right place. 

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