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THE podcast BLOG

Check Your Vision…Is Your Future 20/20?



You've landed on my podcast blog page all about working and living in Freedom Culture!  As a small city Mom of 6, it has been imperative that I have flexibility in my work and life and I am just over here trying to share goodies that can help you find your freedom culture too!




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Today, we’re diving deep into another topic that’s close to my heart: checking your vision. And no, I’m not talking about your eyeglasses or contacts. We’re exploring your vision for life, what you genuinely desire, and how you’re going to make it happen. Let’s get into it!

Visioning and Manifesting: More Than Just Woo-Woo

Every time I think about visioning and manifesting, I encounter skeptics who believe you can’t visualize things into existence. I 100% disagree! Manifesting isn’t just wishful thinking; it’s about focusing your energy and attention on what you want, turning thoughts into reality. So, if you’re skeptical, hang tight. I’m here to explain.

Do You Know What You Want?

Most people wander through life without a clear idea of what they want. If you do know, congratulations – you’re ahead of the curve! But for many, figuring this out is a challenge. Next time you’re chatting with someone, ask them about their life goals. You might be surprised at how few have a concrete answer, let alone have written it down.

The Power of Writing It Down

Bob Proctor famously said that most people don’t write down what they want. And that’s a problem. Putting your dreams into words or images brings you closer to achieving them. It might feel like magic, but it’s rooted in reality. When you have a direction, you’re more likely to end up somewhere meaningful.

Creating a Vision Board

A vision board is a powerful tool to visualize your goals. Years ago, I made my first vision board, and while I don’t remember everything on it, I know I achieved many of those goals. My second vision board was even more successful, with about 80% of the items checked off. From laughter and dancing to specific business achievements, seeing these images daily helped manifest them into reality.

How to Make Your Vision Board

  1. Find a Board: It can be a poster board, a piece of paper, or even digital.
  2. Gather Images: Look online or flip through magazines. Choose images that resonate with your goals – whether it’s the exact car you want or a happy couple symbolizing relationship goals.
  3. Add Words: Pick powerful words that represent your focus for the year, like freedom, laughter, travel, or abundance.
  4. Place It Where You’ll See It: Your vision board needs to be in your sight daily – on your wall, computer screen, or phone.

Here is the link to my vision board that I made on Canva…you can always use a blank template or use this one and just replace the images and text 🙂

Check Out My Vision Board for 2024 Here

The Steps to Manifestation

  1. Ask: Know what you want and ask for it. This is where your vision board comes in.
  2. Believe: Truly believe you deserve what you’re asking for. Without belief, manifestation is unlikely.
  3. Receive: Be open to receiving your desires. Often, this is the hardest part. But by asking and believing, you’re already setting the stage for receiving.

The Science Behind Visioning

Many people dismiss visioning and manifesting as mere superstition, but there’s scientific evidence to support these practices. Visualization activates the neural pathways involved in the physical act of achieving your goals. When you visualize your success, your brain trains itself to think and behave in ways that align with that vision.

Research shows that mental practices are almost as effective as true physical practice. When we visualize an action, we stimulate the same brain regions as when we actually perform that action. So, when you visualize yourself succeeding, you are preparing your brain for success.

The Role of Emotions

Emotions play a crucial role in manifestation. When you feel positive emotions about your goals, you create a powerful energy that attracts those outcomes. The key is to align your emotions with your desires. If you want financial abundance, feel gratitude for the wealth you already have, no matter how small. This gratitude creates a vibrational match for more abundance to come into your life.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs can sabotage your efforts to manifest your dreams. These are deeply ingrained thoughts that tell you what you can’t do, be, or have. Common limiting beliefs include:

“I’m not good enough.”

“I don’t deserve success.”

“There’s not enough to go around.”

Identifying and overcoming these beliefs is essential. Challenge them by asking yourself if they are true. Replace them with empowering beliefs, such as “I am worthy of success,” “I deserve happiness,” and “There is abundance for everyone.”

Taking Inspired Action

Manifestation is not just about thinking and feeling; it also requires action. Taking inspired action means acting on the ideas and opportunities that come your way. It’s about moving towards your goals with confidence and determination. Even small steps can lead to significant progress.

Remember, the universe responds to your actions. When you show that you’re serious about your dreams, the universe will support you in making them a reality.

Real-Life Success Stories

To further inspire you, here are a few real-life success stories of people who used vision boards and manifesting techniques to achieve their dreams:

  1. Oprah Winfrey: Oprah has often spoken about how she used vision boards to manifest her success. She believes in the power of visualization and credits it for much of her achievements.
  2. Jim Carrey: Before he became famous, Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for $10 million for “acting services rendered.” He kept it in his wallet and visualized his success. A few years later, he received exactly $10 million for his role in “Dumb and Dumber.”
  3. Sarah Centrella: After a difficult divorce, Sarah created a vision board that transformed her life. She went on to become a best-selling author, motivational speaker, and life coach, helping others achieve their dreams.

Dream Big and Act Now

Don’t wait to start dreaming. If you’re unsure what to put on your vision board, begin with smaller, achievable goals. Momentum builds confidence, making bigger dreams more attainable. Remember, your vision board is personal – don’t let others’ opinions influence your dreams.

Join the Conversation

I want to hear from you! Share your vision board journey with me on Instagram at

Remember, you have the power to create the life you want. Start by knowing what you want, believe you deserve it, and be open to receiving it. Check your vision, dream big, and watch your life transform.

Until next time, wishing you freedom and fulfillment.

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Hi, I'm Steph

Just getting the hang of this podcast blog thing!  Haha...having 6 kids is easier than this!  I promise I won't stop until it's great!

Sip A coffee 



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